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Times Viewed: 13784
Tim McGraw
High Roller
Blue 33
Yellow 4 Magnum Do
GB PA Geronimo
J 44 doe
Marty Graw Doe
Marty Graw
Mark Pierce Foundati
Yellow 26
Tim McGraw is the complete package! He was designed by Mark Pierce and Whitetail Dreams to be a buck that posseses world class genetics and inches molded into a typical frame that has the look the industry wants. This deer has delivered in a BIG WAY! He has a gorgeous 5X5 frame with extra flyers and kickers and grosses 196 at age 1. He has great mass. Start with Timberjack on the sire side, a buck that just produces an enormous amount of bone. Then breed him to a Martygraw doe. Martygraw is the sire to numerous big typical deer. Presto! You have Tim McGraw. This buck was bottlefed and still grew more antler than most of the 3 and 4 year old bucks in my grow out pens!